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Healthy Peatlands Matter!


This year's Christmas donation of 15,000 euros from Eppendorf Europe will go to NABU for a large-scale EU peatland conservation project. The aim of the project is to restore the natural function of peatlands as carbon reservoirs.

In 2020, the Christmas donation for a good cause was introduced by Eppendorf Europe as a replacement for the customer chocolate calendars. "The campaign met with great enthusiasm among customers and employees. We are continuing this tradition this year with the donation to Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU)," explains Christoph Thumser, Senior Viсe President Market Region Europe, adding, "We made a conscious decision to support a sustainable project. The importance of such environmental initiatives today cannot be appreciated highly enough."


Why peatlands?

Peatlands are true superheroes in the fight against the climate crisis: they store twice as much carbon as all the world's forests combined. But the reverse is also true: drained peatlands today release a large proportion of the carbon once stored as greenhouse gas. Globally, this affects about ten percent of the peatlands. According to NABU, drained peatlands in some European countries emit more greenhouse gas than industry and transport combined. High time for countermeasures.This is where the NABU project comes in. Its goal is to restore a near-natural water balance to an area of 689 hectares of drained peatlands over the next five years. This area is equivalent to about twice New York's Central Park or about 1,000 soccer fields. The main areas involved are peatlands in Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Germany. They are currently used for agriculture and forestry, and some have been drained for centuries.

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